BEC/HSCTI - Worldwide leader in Orgone Technology !!!
The Site of Karl Hans Welz, the Inventor of the
Orgone Generator®, Orgonite® and
Orgone Radionics™

Home of the Orgone Generator®: Beyond the Orgone Accumulator!
The Invention of the Orgone Generator® and Orgonite® by Karl Hans Welz was a Gigantic Step into the Future!
As a Result of these History-Defining Inventions, Action at a Distance will never be the same again!

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Transfer at a Distance - the Structural Link - Signal transmission Machine to Machine, crossing the Atlantic
Before I invented the orgone generator®, I was well aware of the transfer of life force, or orgone energy, at any distance.  This insight was a natural consequence of my dual background, mathematics and physics as well as practice of so-called "meta-physical" disciplines, where action at a distance has been an integral part for millennia.  Soon I recognized that such action is not "meta" at all, and that it, in fact, is purely physical and scientific.  Orgone energy and electromagnetic frequencies can be viewed as being integral parts of a continuum that encompasses both.  With either energy, we can define distance as a result of structural differences.  While EMF based energies follow the principle of entropy, orgone based energies follow the principle of reversed entropy.  From this difference, the other characteristics of these two polarities of energies follow naturally.

For orgone energy / life force, structural links are either near-identical or equivalent.  

This knowledge of structural links, besides being of use in work at a distance, led to another "first."  This was the signal transmission machine to machine, using life energy (orgone energy) instead of radio waves (electromagnetic energy).  I succeeded in such transmission a few weeks after I invented the orgone generator®.  The receiving equipment is relatively simple, and for very obvious reasons I am refraining from describing it.  In all, this transmission, later, at Christmas 1997, across the Atlantic, where I needed no amplifiers at all, was proof for me for the validity of what I called "structural links."  Structural link is another term that ripoff artists are using liberally without giving me credit for it.

If you are interested to test the transfer of orgone energy, all you need to do is call or e-mail any one of our distributors, or Click here to have an orgone energy test e-mailed to you.

Click Here for the Next Video: DOR and Orgone

Videos about orgone energy sciences and technology
Orgone energy (Homepage)

Orgone energy and manifestation techniques

A brief history of orgone energy
Franz Anton Mesmer and Baron Karl von Reichenbach
Wilhelm Reich and orgone energy
My invention of the orgone generator®
My invention of orgonite®
Should I have patented the orgone generator® and orgonite®?
Basics about structural links
Deadly orgone and pulsating orgone
Structural links - diagrams
Applications of orgone energy
orgone generators® optimize water

better food, herbs and supplements

orgone generators® for plants
counteract EMF pollution, DOR
orgone generators® for weight loss
fitness training and body building
intellect, creativity, mental skills
gaming, gambling, stocks, trading
orgone to boost potency and sex
orgone generators®, love and sex
orgone, leadership and politics
orgone generators® and marketing
Water Optimizer AO 1100

Orgone Generator® LPOG HD 2400

Water Optimizer AO 2000 Orgone Generator® PCHD 2400
Orgone Generators® JU 99 Series
Orgone Generator® JU 1000
Orgone Shooter CEG 1000
Orgone Generator® LPOG DL 2400
Orgone Generator® PFC 2000

Copyright© 1996, 2007, 2010 by Karl Hans Welz.
this equipment is not designed for healing of any kind.