BEC/HSCTI - Worldwide leader in Orgone Technology !!!
Site of Karl Hans Welz, the
Inventor of the
Orgone Generator®, Orgonite® and Orgone
of the Orgone Generator®: Beyond the Orgone Accumulator!
The Invention of the Orgone Generator® and Orgonite® by Karl Hans Welz
was a Gigantic Step into the Future!
As a Result of these History-Defining
Action at a Distance will never be the same again!
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The Importance of orgone energy in Action at a Distance The characteristics and function of structural links is easy to understand. For orgone energy, distance is result of structural differences. This is easy to understand when we think of identical symbols as in the transfer test or of traditional methods that made use of the very unique genetic code as structural link to a person by using that person's hair, fingernails, clothing (with skin-rubbings on it), etc. On the other hand, many alternative, religious and esoteric traditions abound with structural links that are purely abstractions such as symbols,"signatures" of spirits or of saints and gods that have specific functions, incenses, mantras, etc. Furthermore, we have "thought forms" that operate after a specific ceremonial is performed. |
Of course it is possible to explain the mechanisms that cause orgone energy to join a target with a trend, including those where structural links are abstractions such as the settings of the radionics device or other "alternative" practices, and such understanding requires more knowledge of the characteristics of orgone energy. To understand this is still more important as we want to understand why thought forms develop in the first place, what actually their characteristics are, and why they continue to activate a previously set trend in a target (person) even after the original operation (ceremonial, church service for a "miracle," radionics or any other action at a distance) has been discontinued. Certainly, traditional operators knew about the use of higher order abstractions (equivalent structural links such as mantras, symbols, etc.), to which category thought forms belong, for thousands of years. They knew very well that the operations that they powered with life energy (orgone energy) yielded results. This was their practical experience. Usually and quite naturally they have explained it within the framework of their religious belief structures, therefore they did not need a scientific explanation, nor a full awareness that this "power" is life energy. In very recent times, working with the typical radionics device, although an excellent method to establish structural linkage, quite often did not bring such an effect, mostly because a lack of the necessary orgone energy and, most of the time, the lack of intent due to the ignorance of the traditional radionics practitioner as far as the importance of orgone energy is concerned. Typically, the radionics device remained turned on until the effect materialized. With my invention of the Orgone Generator®, a better understanding of its importance in action at a distance, it was possible to make a significant improvement also in this field, radionics. Consequently,, this situation in radionics changed dramatically, of course! A radionics operator who works with a Radionics device, which is boosted with orgone energy, ideally from an orgone generator®, can now operate like a traditional practitioner, shaman, priest or magician, and with the huge flexibility of this more recent method of radionics, he or she haas a decisive advantage over many of the more traditional operators. In the following, I am going to explain to you in simple terms how any action at a distance works so that you know why when using your orgone generator® you are way ahead of any one of the more traditional methods.
Of orgone energy we know that (1) it flows freely without significant loss of energy between identical structures, and (2) it follows the principle of reversed entropy, i.e., from the weaker potential to the stronger one until the stronger potential is saturated. The second characteristic of orgone energy allows us to establish linkage where the connection is not exactly identical, to the point of being pure abstractions (such as radionics settings, or "rates", esoteric symbols, signatures of "spirits", mantras, and objects of power) that were established with the human brain focusing on trend or target. Following the law of reversed entropy, orgone energy automatically searches out the final target for which such an “abstraction” has been established originally with help of the human brain. This process is similar to heat traveling the “path of least resistance” (“preferring,” so to say, heat conducting materials) when following the law of entropy from higher potential to lower potential until a balance (near-equal potential) between the two is reached. The function of the "magical" object. "psychic link" or the settings of the radionics device, then, can be compared to ducts in a heating system. In the typical action at a distance, then, one link connects with the trend while the other link connects with the target. Both links being in the same place (the "treasure map," the "religious-magical altar," or simple combination of mental focii), a connection exists between trend and target. With this connection between trend and target achieved, the trend energy will define actions of the target person. With additional mental targeting (intent), i.e., the use of trend energies of a more complex nature, such a connection can take the aspect of a thought form. This means that, using abstractions and corresponding settings, you can achieve permanence after the original setup of the action at a distance has been dismantled. A more in-depth explanation of abstractions and thought forms, combined with practical experiments, you can find in the lesson 3 of "Magic of the Future". Naturally, you need sufficient orgone energy to power up such a thought form and to keep it active. Repeating the operation will then re-charge it. The Orgone Generator® naturally makes the development of powerful thought forms and consequently rapid results much easier, either by powering the action at a distance by itself or as a combination device with radionics and/or connected with the Manifestation Program. While the middle of the line orgone generators are great tools for personal use, the Heavy Duty devices assure massive supply of orgone energy for multiple simultaneous actions at a distance. By now it is obvious that the natural characteristics of orgone energy make all action at a distance possible. For persons who are unaware of its basic functions (negative entropy and structuraltransfer), orgone energy appears to be a “medium” that is “modulated” by trend energies which it then “carries” to the target. That assumption is as primitive as the assumption of some practitioners who kill chicken in order to “feed” their spirit servants with life force - and in some ways it is correct. Experienced traditional practitioners of all times in history knew very well this simple fact: No action at a distance, no remote perception, without life force (orgone energy)! Orgone energy then carries the secret of positive permanent change and mind control at a distance. Therefore, Orgone energy is the fuel of very effective action at a distance, no matter under what label it is practiced, including the relatively recent radionics! The challenge that traditional operators faced, then, was to have access to large amounts of orgone energy (many of them called it “psychic power”), to do effective work. Their methods to generate orgone energy have been as varied as the cultures and religions into which they were born. Some of the more advanced practitioners always knew how to draw orgone energy from the universe around them. The majority of practitioners, however, used an array of other methods such as generating orgone energy in one’s own body (tai chi), generating it by means of strong emotions, and by having groups dance or walk in circles. Some traditions such as Voodoo and Santeria are still practicing animal sacrifice to cause strong releases of orgone energy. It is obvious by now that knowing how to generate massive amounts of orgone energy makes all action at a distance, including radionics, easy for any person! This certainly has been one of the reasons, why many shamans, priests, and other professionals of the past and of the present decided to guard their powerful secrets like precious gems! Under no circumstances did they want to lose their lucrative incomes. Click Here for the Next Video: More theory: orgone-based explanations |
1996, 2007, 2010 by Karl Hans Welz.
this equipment is not designed for healing of any kind.